Meet Gerty! She's outgoing, confident, and affectionate! She's always on the prowl for a lap to cuddle on or a good chin scratch. She struts around her domain with her stiff scorpion tail bobbing over her head.
Gerty is ok with other cats, but can sometimes be a bully--she always gets her way! If you are interested in adopting her and you have another cat, you may want to foster-to-adopt her to try her out. She is fine with cat-friendly dogs.
Gerty has a chronic health condition called Pemphigus Foliaceus, which is an autoimmune disease of the skin. It means her body, in reaction to some allergen, rejects its own skin. However, simple daily steroid treatments keep her body from having these reactions. The steroid medication is cheap as well, and will not require a draining of the bank account to keep her healthy. Gerty also has no teeth, as her gums rejected them due to the Pemphigus. This has not slowed Gerty down, however! But because of this, she should have a diet of wet food only. We promise it's all worth it for this lovely gal!